
Living a life of deep discipleship

Series Overview

Head-Heart-Hands is based on the greatest commandment: "Love the LORD your God with your whole heart, soul, mind, and strength."​

Before starting, be sure to check out the​ Leader's Guide​​ for tips about prepping and adapting for different ages and contexts. Additional resources are linked at the bottom of this page.

Lesson Links

Foundation (discipleship basics)

The Greatest Commandment

Abiding​ (Being With Jesus)

Conforming​ (Becoming Like Jesus)

Formation​ (habits & practices that move us closer to Jesus)

Time in Scripture

Time in Prayer

Time in Worship

Time in Fellowship

Fruition (attitudes & actions of a growing disciple)

Humble Service

Deeper Wisdom

Generous Hospitality

Gracious Forgiveness

Faithful Witness

Patient Endurance

Sacred Justice

Whole and Holy​ (series wrap-up)

Extra Resources

The Head-Heart-Hands series was made possible by a generous Templeton sub-grant awarded through Fuller Youth Institute.