Fresh Openers

Going beyond highs & lows

If you start your small groups with a time of "highs & lows," consider following up with one of these prompts or questions to help people self-reflect and tie their experiences to God and faith.

  • What’s one way you brought hope to someone this week?
  • What’s one way someone brought hope to you this week?
  • What were you afraid of this week, and what did you do about it?
  • How did God bring joy to your life this week?
  • How did God challenge you this week?
  • How did you experience the Holy Spirit this week? (He sometimes offers comfort, guidance, reassurance, correction, or encouragement.)
  • What’s one doubt or question you had about following Jesus this week?
  • When did you intentionally imitate the attitudes or actions of Jesus this week?
  • How did you help someone this week?
  • What’s one thing God taught you about himself this week?
  • What’s one thing you learned about yourself this week?
  • When did you struggle to live for Jesus this week?
  • What did you pray about this week?
  • This week, God ...
  • This week I prayed about .... because ....
  • This week, I thought of God when ...
  • The week, God helped me ...
  • This week, I sensed God telling me ...
  • This week, I worried about ...
  • This week, God reminded me ...
  • This week, I sensed Jesus ...