Reel Luke

Jesus Meets Zacchaeus

Luke 19:1-10

Helpful Stuff to Know

Tax collectors were Jewish people who worked on behalf of the occupying Roman government to collect money from their community. As a chief tax collector, Zacchaeus might have had other tax collectors working for him. Tax collectors were disliked by most people. They were often labeled as “notorious sinners.”

Be Sure Not to Miss

Time passed between Zacchaeus climbing out of the tree and his words in verse 8. He and Jesus probably talked about many things and spent much time together between verse 6 and 8.

Zacchaeus’s words in verse 8 were a sign that he had repented (turned away from his old life and sin) and had turned to God (chose to live obediently). It’s after that when Jesus said, “Salvation has come to this house today.”

Before this story in chapter 8, Luke includes two other stories that connect to Zacchaeus. In one, Jesus told a parable of a religious leader and a tax collector (18:9-14) in which the tax collector is the one who truly repents and believes in God. In the other, Jesus met a very rich man who eventually walked away from Jesus because he wasn’t willing to follow him fully. Jesus said, “It’s very hard for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God. But with God, anything is possible.” The story of Zacchaeus illustrates that truth exactly.

Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem for the most important experience of his life — his death and resurrection — but he took time to not just notice Zacchaeus but to spend extended time with him.

Be Careful About

Jesus didn’t say Zacchaeus had salvation when he climbed out of the tree. Being interested in Jesus and curious to know him better is just the first step to having a life-changing relationship.

Reel Questions

Reel Setting (place)

  • Where did this story happen? (Describe the setting — in a house, on a road, by a lake, in a city, etc.)
  • What do you think that place looked like? smelled like? sounded like?
  • Do you think it matters that this story happened in that specific place? Why?
  • What about the place in this story feels familiar? What feels strange?


Reel People (characters)

  • Make a list of all the people in this story and give a one-word description of each (include “crowd” if there is one). Why did you choose that word?
  • What does Jesus say and do in this story? List all the things. Does anything surprise you? Why?
  • Which person (besides Jesus) is most interesting to you? Why?
  • What details about the characters do you wish were included or explained in the story? Why?
  • Why do you think [choose a specific character or the crowd] spoke or acted the way they did?
  • What are some different things that [the person from previous question] could have said or done? How would that have changed the story?
  • What do you think the onlookers were thinking and feeling as things were happening in this story? Why?
  • How do you think the main characters might have changed after this story? Why? (Sometimes it tells us, like with Zacchaeus, but other times it doesn’t.)
  • How do you think the crowd or onlookers might have changed after this story? Why?
  • If you’d been there, where would you have been standing or sitting? What would you have been thinking or feeling? Why?


Reel Events (plot)

  • List all the events in the story.
  • List some details that aren't included but are assumed in the story.
  • What do you think are the two or three most important moments in this story? Why?
  • If this story were a film, when would the music be scary or tense? When would it be joyful or upbeat? Why?
  • What do you think maybe happened right before this story? What do you think maybe happened right after this story?
  • Does the biblical story before or after this one matter to this story? How? Why do you think that?
  • What are some different ways things could have happened or ended in this story?
  • If this story were happening today in your school or town, what are ways Jesus might have acted or explained things for your context?
  • What would you call this story if it were a full-length book or movie? Why?


Real Faith

  • What’s a way people could misunderstand or misuse this story?
  • Why do you think this story is in the Bible? Why would God want us to read and learn from it?
  • What are you learning about Jesus (or his Father or the Spirit) from this story?
  • What are you learning about following Jesus (living for Jesus and living like Jesus) from this story?
  • After reading this story, what are some questions you have about Jesus and following him?


Story-Specific Questions

Only Luke included the story of Zacchaeus in his gospel account. Why do you think he did?

How do you think tax collectors like Zacchaeus handled being disliked by everyone?

Why do you think Jesus took so much time to be with Zacchaeus in his own home?

What do you think Jesus and Zacchaeus talked about while they walked to his house and while they were at his house?